Sunday 22 July 2012


A dream is an inspiring picture of the future,that energizes your mind,will and emotions,empowering you to do all you can to achieve it. 
A dream worth pursuing is a blueprint of a person's purpose and potential.
Sharon Hull defines a dream as "The seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being,which calls him to pursue a unique path,to the realization of his purpose"
Everyone is born with a dream.A man without a dream is just existing.Your dream gives you a reason to live,to wake up in the morning and go out of your house.Your dream becomes your driving force.
Dreams are very valuable commodity,they propel us forward,they give us energy and they make us enthusiastic.
Your dream doesn't have to be too big,but it must be bigger than you,and it should outlive you.You should not be the only beneficiary of your dream but generations to come she benefit from your dream.
We all have the potential to dream,as far as you have a mind,you can imagine,then you can dream.Don't just be moved by problems but be led by a dream.
What is your dream?Every great man first had a dream,the success journey starts with a dream.Your dream is the big picture about your life and future.
There are people who don't have a dream anymore,who gave up on their dreams and are now living a average life,settled for the less,i dare you to rise up and wake up the giant in you,start dreaming again,because your dream is possible.
Lets see some reasons why people don't dream
  • The world is full of dream killers and dream crushers,some people have been discouraged from pursuing a dream by others.
  • Some people don't dream,because of past failures and disappointments:Disappointment is the gap between expectations and reality.Failure is the price we must pay for success.
  • Some people have the attitude of settling for average:someone said the minute you settle for less than you deserve,you get even less than you settled for.Your dream demands that you stretch yourself,going beyond the average.It requires you going out of your comfort zone.You can't reach for a dream and remain a mediocre at the same time.
  • Some people lack the confidence to go after their dreams.It takes confidence to talk about your dream and courage to show your dream to someone else.Confidence distinguishes those who dream and pursue their dream from those who don't.
  • Some people lack the imagination to dream:your imagination is the soil that brings your dream to life.Your imagination houses your dream.Every great thing achieved today was first imagined.God can do exceeding abundantly only those things you can imagine.

Some things you should know about your dream:
  • Your dream should be bigger than you : It shouldn't necessarily be Huge,but it should just be bigger than you.As actress Josie Bisset remarked "Dreams come a size too big,so we can grow into them"
  • Your dream should be worth Living and Dying for:how much are you willing to give to see your dream come to reality.Your dream should be the reason you live and sometimes died.Martin Luther was ready to give his life for his dream.
  • Your dream should move you:your dream should be your driving force.It should cause you to wake up every morning,and go to bed late.When the disciples slept,Jesus at sundry times would be at the mountain praying.Be consumed with your dream.
  • Your dream should be about not just you but others:Martin Luther's fight for not just for him but for others.Jesus died for us,you and me.He gave his life so we can have life;he became poor,so that we can be rich..
  • Your dream should outlive you:your dream should be strong enough to still be alive even after you die.the effect and impact of your dream should be felt after your transition.Today we still talk about Martin Luther King,so passionately,his story is still moving and life changing.
  • Your dream should attract others:your dream should have the ability to pull people around you.Your dream may not convince everyone at first but at last they will come to see what you are fighting for.
  • Your dream is achievable:You can achieve your dreams no matter what.If you can keep that no give up mentality you can achieve that dream.Keep fighting,don't give up,its possible,yes you can.

What would you like to be remembered for? As a man who gave up on his dreams or As a man who fought till he achieved his dreams.
The world only celebrate men who had a dream and pursued it, till their death.
Stop day dreaming and sleeping too much,its time to rise up and fulfill that God given dream,we have very little time,today is the yesterday we have been waiting for.
Yes you can.

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