Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Further take heed that you faithfully,perform the Business you have to do,in this world,from a regards to the commands of God and not from an Ambitious drive of being Esteemed better than others.
David Brainard.

Words are powerful and your understanding of a word,in a text can give you the correct or the wrong meaning of the message.
I have spent hours to be able to come to a conclusion on this matter,so i would like you to read this blog with understanding and an open mind.
I used to think that the word Ambition meant something bad,infact i have read a few blogs that give that picture.Lets define and distinguish Ambition from Selfish Ambition.
Ambition means the determination to achieve success in lif or some distinction.Ambition is determination itself,a drive.Determination is a tool for success in life.
Goal setting is just a part of achieving success,without determination,you cannot succeed in life.
I remenber one of the questions i was asked in one of my first Job interviews was,"Are you an ambitious person" no firm wants to employ someone with a drive,someone without determination,someone without an ambition.
A man who has no personal ambition cannot be a success in the building of a firm,the idea is,you want to be a success and you understand that,if the comapany succeeds you succeed also,so ambition is vital for success in life.
Ambition involves action,a direct action.Goals only define your destination but your ambition takes you having goals is not enough.
But there is another kind of Ambition called Selfish ambition;
Selfish Ambition means to be self seeking and always looking out for ones own interest above the interest of anyone else.Trying to make yourself look bigger and better than others,pursuing a goal and not caring about anyone else but yourself,totally concerned only about ones self.such people are not good for any organisation.
The bible teaches us to be selfless,esteeming others above ourselfs.Romans 12:10.
Mans greatest enemy today is not the Devil but Self.Satan uses ourselves as a tool against our selves.
lets take a look at a few examples;
Cain could not stand the fact that God treated Abels sacrifice better,so he killed abel.why would he kill his brother,because of the thing called self.
Absalom,King David's son tried to overthrow his father and become king,why because of selfish interest.
Korah and his brothers tried to take out moses because they felt they could do the job better,its all because of self.
James puts it better; James 4:1-3,lets read
"What causes fights and quarresl among you?dont they come from your desires within you?"
The desire to be first,the desire to be at the top.We fight one another,we keep a grudge,we feel bad when our neighbour is elevated and wish them to fail so we can be chosen,is it not because of our selfish ambitions?
Lets continue,"You want somethin but you dont get it,you kill and covet,but you cannot have what you quarrel and fight,you donnot have because you dont ask God"
We need to distinguish our wants from our need.Economics say that the wants of man are insatiable,cannot be satisfied.we keep wanting,more and more and more till we meet our death.
we want and covet,to covet is to want what belongs to another and the readiness to do anything to get it.
The rich man has alot of money but wants more,you have your own wife but you still want another mans wife.
You can admire what belongs to someone but the desire to want to take it from them and the readiness to do anything to get it,becomes sin.
"When you ask you donnot receive,because you ask with wrong motives,that you spend what you get on your own pleasures."
Thats taking the bull by the horn,God knows the heart and intents of man,you dont receive even when you ask,because you have a selfish ambition to spend all on your own pleasures.Its all about you and no one else,thats why people get into government office and loot the treasury of the state,because of their selfish ambition,but if they can direct their ambitions according to Gods command they will become success and others will benefit.
How can you know the purpose of a product without talking to the manufacturer.what then is purpose?Purpose goes beyong satisfying our immediate needs,it is in a sense identifying our reason for being,why am i here?Purposew is not concerned merely with survival,whereas when we identify our needs we see them as what we must have to survive in this life.Purpose is freeing needs are restricting.Your purpose will be found within your passion;check blog on power of passion:( may play a role but people can learn any skill requirement.Without passion talent can be largely ineffective.
Purpose is the reason why you are here,why you are born into the family you are in.Where purpose is not known abuse is innevitable.
Purpose is not the fight fight thing we have in the world.Its not about satisfying a want,your life is more than all of these things.We spend time to worry about clothes,food,power,position,but our reason for living is much more than all this things we chase after. Matthew 6:26b.
Trying to show us the importance of our purpose over our wants,the writer asked a very important question "Which of you by worrying can add an hour to his life?"Matthew 6:27.
We chase after things that satisfy temporarily,I hate to use the words "Hustling",stop the hustle an bustle,ask GOD,why am i here?
I must state clearly here,you can not find lasting satisfaction without God.The purpose of your life can only be found in God.
People who have relationship with God,should not run after things,Matthew 6:32.The unbelievers should run after things.Our life is worth more than things,what you should eat,wear or drink?
"But seek ye first Gods kingdom.."Matthew 6:33.
Stop chasing whats temporal,start chasing what gives earthly and eternal satisfaction.
The reason you are never satisfied is because you think only about yourself,what you want,but when you begin to think about how you can begin to affect and bring change to humanity,through the discovery and maximising of your purpose,you get satisfaction that leads to eternity.
Direct your ambition to the fulfillment of your purpose here on earth and not to the satisfaction of self.,depending not on your skills totally but on Gods grace.

Monday, 23 July 2012


"The most Powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire"
(Ferdinand Foch)

Passion is an extreme,compelling emotion,intense emotional drive or excitement and or a strong liking or desire or devotion for some activity or object or concept.
Success is a product of passion,hence nothing great in this world has ever been achieved without passion.A leaders courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion and not position.
Position without passion leads to giving up.Most people are failures in their vocation today because they do what they don't enjoy,hence there's no passion.Passion is the fire and the drive that keeps you going.
When i think about passion,my mind goes to the man Jesus,whose main goal was to save humanity.He went through so much pain in this world but he didnt give up.He said one time to his disciples that "my food is to do the will of the one who sent me" at another time he also said "the zeal of the house of God has consumed me"
One time at the garden of gathsemene,he prayed so much that the sweat that came out of his body was as thick as blood.The scripture records that he would spend nights praying,when the disciples slept.So passionate to the point,even when he could save his life he gave it so that the purpose for which he came, could be fulfilled.The bible says "he was obedient even unto death."
He gave everything so as to fulfill the fathers desire,through all the torture and pain he stood on.In the garden he asked God to take this cup away,if it was possible but he held on,because he was full of passion,a passion that made him submit to the will of the father,even unto death.
His passion wasn't for what he stood to gain personally but who he could gain,today because one man's passion,we can have life and have it abundantly.
Discovering your purpose is one thing but without passion you cannot see your purpose come to reality.Passion brings light and life to what you do.Passion gets you up early in the morning to work and keeps you in the office,even after everyone had closed.
It was said of Joshua,he stayed in the presence of God even after Moses left for the camp,Joshua stayed back (Exodus 33:11).
What would keep a man in his knees seeking God for hours praying,its passion for the presence of God.Passion makes Christianity sweet.Passion takes the burden out of your work and makes it enjoyable.
I remember when we got saved,i and my brother,we were so passionate,we needed to attend a bible believing church,it took us time of searching,but when we finally found one,we go to church 8am in the morning and come home 5pm in the evening,passion for the presence of God.
How can i discover my passion?
 According to recent survey,it was found out that 75% of population don't know what their real passion is,this could be reason why in a life time,only a few make impact in their world.
Clearly almost everyone is not doing what they are born to do.Success in life is achieved when we do what we really love,what we are passionate about,what we are born to do.
Finding our passion is not as easy,for some it comes natural but most of the time you have to ask yourself some questions to help you pinpoint what exactly is your passion.
Here are some that can help you discover your true passion:

  1. What puts a smile on your face? Passion and happiness walks together.There are some subjects when talked about,i am so excited and want to be a part of it.Whatever makes you happy when you encounter it, is a sign of something that you are passionate about.Think of something that you do or used to do that brings total peace to your heart when you do it.Peace is a sign that its what ,you ought to be doing and happiness is the product.
  2. What do you find easy? Usually what we find easy  to do,is related to what we are passionate about.Its quite hard to hate something that's easy for us.what you find easy is much fun,you enjoy doing it and you get much success in that area.We are taught to focus on our strengths rather than our weakness.You achieve more success when you focus on your strengths.
  3. What sparks your creativity? One of my passions was handball,i remember i could play the game for hours and not worry,i always looked forward for my next practice,i always came up with different methods of scoring,my creativity sparkled,i still love that game.Later in life,i discovered i had passion for singing,i am creative when ever i sing and i love it.Think about something in your life where you seem to always expand the horizons,always coming up with new,fun and exciting ideas on that subject.What ever makes you creative its related to what you are passionate about.
  4. What would you do for free? In the world today we are ruled by Money.Its the way the system works and its the way we have to play.The problem is that,this leads people to seek making money instead of what makes them happy.I have read countless stories of people leaving high paying Jobs to do what they enjoy,we see it everyday.I think if you follow what you are passionate about without thinking of whether it will make you rich,you will end up been successful.Doing what you are passionate about brings the best and this leads to greatness.Do you think that the most successful people in the world got to where they are because they wanted to get rich?Absolutely not! They did what they were passionate about,and their immerse success was just a by product of their dedication.So think about something you can have fun doing without receiving any pay for it.It would lead you to what your passions are.
  5. What do you like to talk about? You can tell a man's passion by what he writes and talks about when he has the opportunity.If you read my blogs you would be able to tell my passion.All i need is to spend 5minutes conversing with you,i might be able to tell your passions.Ask your friends what topics makes you brighten up,and changes your entire behavior.I love to talk about the word of God,my passions is related to the church and bettering of lives.You can find your passions by what you enjoy talking about.
  6. What makes you unafraid of failure? When we do what we are passionate about we have total confidence in our abilities.This makes us not to worry about failing,because how can we fail when we do what we love?Doing what you love is success in itself,so failure is like an impossibility.Think of something that you can do without the fear of failure,i know mine already,this may lead you to your true passion.
  7. What would you regret not having tried? We all have dreams but sometimes life pushes us to another direction,far from the dreams we used to have.Think for a minute if you were at the end of your life,what would you regret not having pursued? what would you have liked to do,that you didn't get the chance to?This could be a chance to discover your real passion.There's nothing more worse than getting to the end of your journey and having regret.Find your passion and follow it to the end,you will have no regrets.
I would like to conclude with this words of T. Allan Armstrong "If there's no passion in your life,then have you really lived?Find your passion, whatever it may be.Become it and let it become you and you will find great things happen for you,to you and because of you."

Sunday, 22 July 2012


A dream is an inspiring picture of the future,that energizes your mind,will and emotions,empowering you to do all you can to achieve it. 
A dream worth pursuing is a blueprint of a person's purpose and potential.
Sharon Hull defines a dream as "The seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being,which calls him to pursue a unique path,to the realization of his purpose"
Everyone is born with a dream.A man without a dream is just existing.Your dream gives you a reason to live,to wake up in the morning and go out of your house.Your dream becomes your driving force.
Dreams are very valuable commodity,they propel us forward,they give us energy and they make us enthusiastic.
Your dream doesn't have to be too big,but it must be bigger than you,and it should outlive you.You should not be the only beneficiary of your dream but generations to come she benefit from your dream.
We all have the potential to dream,as far as you have a mind,you can imagine,then you can dream.Don't just be moved by problems but be led by a dream.
What is your dream?Every great man first had a dream,the success journey starts with a dream.Your dream is the big picture about your life and future.
There are people who don't have a dream anymore,who gave up on their dreams and are now living a average life,settled for the less,i dare you to rise up and wake up the giant in you,start dreaming again,because your dream is possible.
Lets see some reasons why people don't dream
  • The world is full of dream killers and dream crushers,some people have been discouraged from pursuing a dream by others.
  • Some people don't dream,because of past failures and disappointments:Disappointment is the gap between expectations and reality.Failure is the price we must pay for success.
  • Some people have the attitude of settling for average:someone said the minute you settle for less than you deserve,you get even less than you settled for.Your dream demands that you stretch yourself,going beyond the average.It requires you going out of your comfort zone.You can't reach for a dream and remain a mediocre at the same time.
  • Some people lack the confidence to go after their dreams.It takes confidence to talk about your dream and courage to show your dream to someone else.Confidence distinguishes those who dream and pursue their dream from those who don't.
  • Some people lack the imagination to dream:your imagination is the soil that brings your dream to life.Your imagination houses your dream.Every great thing achieved today was first imagined.God can do exceeding abundantly only those things you can imagine.

Some things you should know about your dream:
  • Your dream should be bigger than you : It shouldn't necessarily be Huge,but it should just be bigger than you.As actress Josie Bisset remarked "Dreams come a size too big,so we can grow into them"
  • Your dream should be worth Living and Dying for:how much are you willing to give to see your dream come to reality.Your dream should be the reason you live and sometimes died.Martin Luther was ready to give his life for his dream.
  • Your dream should move you:your dream should be your driving force.It should cause you to wake up every morning,and go to bed late.When the disciples slept,Jesus at sundry times would be at the mountain praying.Be consumed with your dream.
  • Your dream should be about not just you but others:Martin Luther's fight for not just for him but for others.Jesus died for us,you and me.He gave his life so we can have life;he became poor,so that we can be rich..
  • Your dream should outlive you:your dream should be strong enough to still be alive even after you die.the effect and impact of your dream should be felt after your transition.Today we still talk about Martin Luther King,so passionately,his story is still moving and life changing.
  • Your dream should attract others:your dream should have the ability to pull people around you.Your dream may not convince everyone at first but at last they will come to see what you are fighting for.
  • Your dream is achievable:You can achieve your dreams no matter what.If you can keep that no give up mentality you can achieve that dream.Keep fighting,don't give up,its possible,yes you can.

What would you like to be remembered for? As a man who gave up on his dreams or As a man who fought till he achieved his dreams.
The world only celebrate men who had a dream and pursued it, till their death.
Stop day dreaming and sleeping too much,its time to rise up and fulfill that God given dream,we have very little time,today is the yesterday we have been waiting for.
Yes you can.

Friday, 20 July 2012


 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

Manufacturers make a product for a purpose. There's no product made without a purpose.When God created man,he made him with a purpose and for a purpose.
Purpose is the reason for which something was made.
Every product was meant to solve a particular problem,and we are created by God to solve a particular problem.
See yourself as a problem solver,see yourself as a Solution.
Have you ever seen,where a solution is looking for solution? 
I see believers running around town,from one prayer house to another looking for solution;You are a Solution to your generation.
Lets share a few things about a product;

No product was made to satisfy itself.
 Does coca cola drink coca cola? No!
Every product was made not to meet its need but the need of another.
We are made to be the solution to the needs of others,God specifically structured you,created you to meet the needs of someone,to be the solution of a generation.

The need is the reason of the product.
Before a product is made,a need must be found.
You don't make a product without a need,you must discover the need before you create a solution.
That tells you that you are created to meet a particular problem,

After a product is created, it is brought out to the public through advertising and marketing,someone announces the presence of the product.Companies spend so much money to advertise their product,this is so because,how you present the product determines the traffic for that product.
But there's the time of the packaging of the product,to make it look nice and the product is made to satisfy its customers.
God is taking you through the process so that you will be well packaged and ready for your clients.God is the one that will announce you to the customers,you don't worry about that.He is preparing you to meet their needs.
Just as the product is created to satisfy the need of others, that's how we are created to satisfy the need of others.

Every products have an opposition,a competition.There are forces out there that would like to make sure you don't reach out to your clients(the people God has called you to reach,those you are created for).
Satan has set his opposition to stop you from fulfilling your purpose,so that you will just be there existing doing nothing.But in the midst of the opposition we are excelling and fulfilling purpose,Because greater is he in us than he in the world.

Every product has its strong point ,something about it that makes it standout.
Till now no one knows what makes Coca Cola thick,the secrete behind Coca Cola's success.
So also,our producer has put something in us that makes us standout no matter the competition,even in the drought,we are excelling and moving forward.That deposit of God in us makes us stand out in all season,prospering and progressing.

Lets look at the life of Joseph,Born to a large family,was the last son and most precious to his father Isaac.Joseph was born for a purpose and his purpose was revealed at the end of the day in 
Genesis 45:7-8
 And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
 As Joseph grew up ,God gave him an idea of his Vision,his plans for him,that he would be great.
God usually gives only an idea,just a glimpse,he doesn't give the full picture as you take it one step at a time you will discover the rest.
He told his vision to his family;Its important you share the dream,talking about your dream will provoke the enemy to action,the enemy is a tool to help bring your dream to reality.
Don't be afraid because any man on a mission will be preserved by his purpose.
His brothers could not accept that dream,but they knew that the dream could become a reality,though they mocked him that he is a dreamer, they were threatened by the dream.
They tried to kill him,how i wish they knew they were about to kill their angel.
You must face opposition,and don't be surprised your opposition will come from those who you think love you.David said,"A man's enemies are members of his own household".
Expect to face opposition,in fact one of the proofs that its a vision from God it must face opposition.
Any man with a mission on their life, must face opposition,even the threat of death.
Jesus our lord faced opposition.When he was born, Herod killed many children Just because of Jesus,and many other times they tried to kill Jesus but he always walked through,he escaped.When he finally died,it was part of his purpose to die.
A man with purpose will be preserved until his time to leave this world comes.
They tried to kill Paul too,in fact he died once and got up,bitten by a viper but still alive,ship wrecks but he survived.What a man! Purpose preserves life.
He only died when he finished his work.
Purpose attracts opposition but it also preserves you in opposition.
They put Joseph in the pit,then sold him to the merchants then to Portiphars house at every stage he met a need,then to the prison,but he carried Gods grace and favor on him.
A man with purpose has favor,Gods grace upon him.
Finally when it came for him to get to the palace,God created another problem that only Joseph could solve.
There's a problem only you can solve and its waiting for you.
Joseph finally became the president of Egypt,see how the world goes in circles,you would have thought he would not meet his brothers again,but see our God,the creator,created another problem that made his brothers come to Egypt.
Your problem will identify you,Joseph was meant to solve this problem.
Joseph the problem solver,he was always ready to solve problems without pay,we never see him charging A fee for solving problems.
Is there something you love doing that you don't get paid for,that's the test that you must pass.If you are faithful in little things God will put much in your hands.
God created you to meet a need,don't worry about the need,just build yourself in your passion and let God create the problem.Have a good attitude to helping people solve problems,you don't know which one will be the jackpot.
Jesus said some of you served angels but you didn't know,how? they asked,when you served one of the least of your brothers.
My mother in the lord,Dr Joyce Ogwezi,was lecturing in a university,loving what she does and been faithful when a well known oil company,called her up to take a responsibility created just for her.
There's a need only you can solve.
Daniel was a dream interpreter,God gave Pharaoh dreams,his prophets could not interpret except Daniel.There is a problem only you can solve,be faithful were you are solving small problems,there's a bigger one that will bring about your lifting.
David was fighting Lions,Tigers and Bears,faithful in small things,God brought a Goliath bigger,and David proved himself,what he learnt in the bush he proved in the field.
Goliath came down and David became a hero.
There's a problem only you can solve.
God creates the product and the market for the product.
You are a man with a mission,on a mission for a mission.