"The most Powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire"
(Ferdinand Foch)
Passion is an extreme,compelling emotion,intense emotional drive or excitement and or a strong liking or desire or devotion for some activity or object or concept.
Success is a product of passion,hence nothing great in this world has ever been achieved without passion.A leaders courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion and not position.
Position without passion leads to giving up.Most people are failures in their vocation today because they do what they don't enjoy,hence there's no passion.Passion is the fire and the drive that keeps you going.
When i think about passion,my mind goes to the man Jesus,whose main goal was to save humanity.He went through so much pain in this world but he didnt give up.He said one time to his disciples that "my food is to do the will of the one who sent me" at another time he also said "the zeal of the house of God has consumed me"
One time at the garden of gathsemene,he prayed so much that the sweat that came out of his body was as thick as blood.The scripture records that he would spend nights praying,when the disciples slept.So passionate to the point,even when he could save his life he gave it so that the purpose for which he came, could be fulfilled.The bible says "he was obedient even unto death."
He gave everything so as to fulfill the fathers desire,through all the torture and pain he stood on.In the garden he asked God to take this cup away,if it was possible but he held on,because he was full of passion,a passion that made him submit to the will of the father,even unto death.
His passion wasn't for what he stood to gain personally but who he could gain,today because one man's passion,we can have life and have it abundantly.
Discovering your purpose is one thing but without passion you cannot see your purpose come to reality.Passion brings light and life to what you do.Passion gets you up early in the morning to work and keeps you in the office,even after everyone had closed.
It was said of Joshua,he stayed in the presence of God even after Moses left for the camp,Joshua stayed back (Exodus 33:11).
What would keep a man in his knees seeking God for hours praying,its passion for the presence of God.Passion makes Christianity sweet.Passion takes the burden out of your work and makes it enjoyable.
I remember when we got saved,i and my brother,we were so passionate,we needed to attend a bible believing church,it took us time of searching,but when we finally found one,we go to church 8am in the morning and come home 5pm in the evening,passion for the presence of God.
How can i discover my passion?
According to recent survey,it was found out that 75% of population don't know what their real passion is,this could be reason why in a life time,only a few make impact in their world.
Clearly almost everyone is not doing what they are born to do.Success in life is achieved when we do what we really love,what we are passionate about,what we are born to do.
Finding our passion is not as easy,for some it comes natural but most of the time you have to ask yourself some questions to help you pinpoint what exactly is your passion.
Here are some that can help you discover your true passion:
- What puts a smile on your face? Passion and happiness walks together.There are some subjects when talked about,i am so excited and want to be a part of it.Whatever makes you happy when you encounter it, is a sign of something that you are passionate about.Think of something that you do or used to do that brings total peace to your heart when you do it.Peace is a sign that its what ,you ought to be doing and happiness is the product.
- What do you find easy? Usually what we find easy to do,is related to what we are passionate about.Its quite hard to hate something that's easy for us.what you find easy is much fun,you enjoy doing it and you get much success in that area.We are taught to focus on our strengths rather than our weakness.You achieve more success when you focus on your strengths.
- What sparks your creativity? One of my passions was handball,i remember i could play the game for hours and not worry,i always looked forward for my next practice,i always came up with different methods of scoring,my creativity sparkled,i still love that game.Later in life,i discovered i had passion for singing,i am creative when ever i sing and i love it.Think about something in your life where you seem to always expand the horizons,always coming up with new,fun and exciting ideas on that subject.What ever makes you creative its related to what you are passionate about.
- What would you do for free? In the world today we are ruled by Money.Its the way the system works and its the way we have to play.The problem is that,this leads people to seek making money instead of what makes them happy.I have read countless stories of people leaving high paying Jobs to do what they enjoy,we see it everyday.I think if you follow what you are passionate about without thinking of whether it will make you rich,you will end up been successful.Doing what you are passionate about brings the best and this leads to greatness.Do you think that the most successful people in the world got to where they are because they wanted to get rich?Absolutely not! They did what they were passionate about,and their immerse success was just a by product of their dedication.So think about something you can have fun doing without receiving any pay for it.It would lead you to what your passions are.
- What do you like to talk about? You can tell a man's passion by what he writes and talks about when he has the opportunity.If you read my blogs you would be able to tell my passion.All i need is to spend 5minutes conversing with you,i might be able to tell your passions.Ask your friends what topics makes you brighten up,and changes your entire behavior.I love to talk about the word of God,my passions is related to the church and bettering of lives.You can find your passions by what you enjoy talking about.
- What makes you unafraid of failure? When we do what we are passionate about we have total confidence in our abilities.This makes us not to worry about failing,because how can we fail when we do what we love?Doing what you love is success in itself,so failure is like an impossibility.Think of something that you can do without the fear of failure,i know mine already,this may lead you to your true passion.
- What would you regret not having tried? We all have dreams but sometimes life pushes us to another direction,far from the dreams we used to have.Think for a minute if you were at the end of your life,what would you regret not having pursued? what would you have liked to do,that you didn't get the chance to?This could be a chance to discover your real passion.There's nothing more worse than getting to the end of your journey and having regret.Find your passion and follow it to the end,you will have no regrets.
I would like to conclude with this words of T. Allan Armstrong "If there's no passion in your life,then have you really lived?Find your passion, whatever it may be.Become it and let it become you and you will find great things happen for you,to you and because of you."
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