Wednesday, 15 August 2012


“For, is there a posterity? Then thy hope is not cut off.” (YLT)Proverbs 23:18

lets just briefly see men who gave themselves to preserve posterity,they gave all for the future to be preserved,because without a posterity,no hope for us.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Men have given their lives for posterity to be preserved,sacrificed their families and relationships just for the future to be secured.The late Martin Luther King Jr. gave all for the black Americans to have some dignity,today because of the sacrifices of Martin Luther King and other patriachs blacks and whites have equal rights,today a black man sits in the white house as president,posterity was presrved.
Nelson Mandela
The great Nelson Mandela,was willing to give his life,so that south Africa will be free of black supremacy,he and others gave themselves and families just to secure the future and freedom of the Black africans of south Africa,he was tortured and arrested many times,but today all south Africa is free,whether white or black,they stand equal.
Joseph – Genesis 37
Joseph as we read in the book of Genesis,was betrayed by his own brothers,who felt that his dreams was a threat to their ambitions, not knowing that his dreams will be what will secure their future and their childrens future,they tried to kill him,because they felt he was a threat,they sold him to marchants who took him to Egypt and traded him to portipher a rich egyptian,not knowing all this was in Gods plan and purpose for him.
He was accused and jailed because he refused to sleep with the wife of his master,but in the prison he met with what would change his life forever,he interpreted the dreams of a fellow prisoner,that prisoner was released back to office as pharoah the kings servant,that same servant God used to create the opportunity that brought Joseph before pharoah.
The problems you solve will be the means by which God will bring you to fame and wealth.If Joseph had refused to help,he would have missed it totally.He helped a prisoner,not a great man,sometimes its those things and people that we consider as nothing that God will use to bring us to fame.
He solved pharoahs problem,he interpreted his dream and he interpreted his way to greatness,who would have imagined that his brothers would meet with him again,Joseph that they thought was dead,but there was a divine hand orchestrating all this,suddenly there was famine in the land of Israel,they had to go to egypt for food,not knowing they would meet their lost brother there,the same Joseph they tried to kill,turned to be the same guy who helped them in egypt,like he said “don’t be afriad,God sent me ahead to preserve a posterity for you.”
They would never have imagined that this was Gods plan,they thought they had gotten rid of him,but he went into their future and was waiting for them,it was all of Gods divine plan.But Joseph kept his attitude,kept his faith in God in the midst of all the years of pain,he understood Gods purpose and had no room for hurt,he forgave his brothers already.
Jesus the Christ
Jesus came to this world to bring us back to God,to save us from the pending destruction that was hanging over our heads.He left all of glory,dropped all the royalty and took the form of a man,because humanity had to be saved and posterity had to be preserved.
He came as a man,flesh and blood like us,was born to a simple family,to the family of Joseph a carpenter,Jesus grew to be called the carpenters son,anointed by God to carry out Gods purpose to save humanity.
He was accused by those he called his own,he was insulted,they tried to murder him sevearl times but he escaped,he brought good but he was rejected,just like Joseph whose brothers rejected him because of jealousy,they said,”is this not the carpenters son,how come he is this anointed” they couldn’t accept him.
He was betrayed by his disciple Judas Iscariot,denied by peter and was arrested,beaten,spat on,mocked and finally hung on the cross,all this was also in Gods plan,because only through his death would humanity be saved.
Amazing the death of one the life of another.Jesus is the reason,why we have life today,he died and rose again on the third day,for if he had not risen from the grave,the whole plan would have been a failed one.He gave all,so that we could have the opportunity to return to God and be accepted,because of the shedding of his blood.
All of this shows to us that in preserving posterity,there is sacrifice to be made.You can not make any difference without loosing something.You loose something to gain another.Preserving posterity is Gods total plan for humanity,he is a posterity conscious God.
We must make deliberate effort in other to leave a legacy for others,realise that you will not remain in this world forever,some day we will grow old and die,but what legacy would you have left for generations to come,when your childrens children see your picture,after you have long gone, will they look at it and kiss it and hold it to themselves in joyous appreciation or spit on it and say shame?,the choice is yours.
We are living not for our selves only but for others,we are blessed not for us only but for others,blessed to be a blessing.
watch out for part 3.

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