Life is a journey,a journey we must all embark on,its not a journey we choose to take,but one we must take.The journey of life is sometimes rough and tough and sometimes very sweet and enjoyable.We are young today as we embark on the journey we grow and get older.In this journey me make friends and loose them,we also make some enemies.Some die on the way,some grow old with us and continue in this journey.
Life is a continuous journey,it never really ends,even after we die we continue in another life.Life is full of laughter and tears,today we are happy and the next we are sad.In this journey we fall in love and out of love,we make mistakes and have some success,we have accidents and we are safe and protected.
This life, full of fun,faith and fear,this life full of hurts and happiness,this life full of smiles and sadness,what a life.But I have learnt in this journey that people come in your life and suddenly they are no more,maybe they have fights with you and don’t want to be with you any more or death takes them away.
Death is a part of life,we have all come into this world and we will all leave it,today you are young and you never think you will get old and then suddenly you notice one gray hair and you are not as strong as you used to be,before you know it the back aches appear,your strength starts to fade away,soon the ones you love die and you are all alone,what a life.
I am awakened with the awareness that I am not getting younger,I realise that I don’t have much time in this journey,I have so much to do and need to increase my speed,I have no time to waste,now is the time to do all you ever want to do.
You choose to be happy or sad,we sometimes put our happiness on some event or on people,we allow people to determine whether we are happy or not,but I have learnt that life will not always be sweet but our happiness is a choice we must make,you can depend on others to make you happy,or you choose to be happy.
Life is not as long as we make it seem,life is so short and time waits for no man,no matter your state or situation be determined to be happy,as you live this short life here on earth,don’t wait for others to be the source of your happiness,but find happiness in your self.
Live your life fulfilling your God given purpose,make the most out of all your potentials,stay happy with your family and love your own wife,don’t complicate your life with lust for things and don’t be covetous,make a life with what you have,affect those people around you and put smiles on the faces of others,give more to others than you gather,because when you finally die,you will not take anything out of this world.
A mans life does not consist of the things that he possess,yes work hard and create wealth for you and your family,but don’t build your family's happiness on things that can be seen but build it on those things that can’t be seen,when they think of you they should remenber the joy and laughter you brought to them,spend time with your family,quality time.
Finally you have just one life,live it to the fullest,be happy,please God,serve humanity,love your family,love your wife,be a blessing to others and help make this world a better place,so that when you are finally gone,you will be remenbered for good and you would have left a name and a legacy for your children that money can’t buy.
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